This is another section of which has taken on a life of its own, and grown beyond covering just the CJ-3B Universal Jeep. See the pages below for lots of fire Jeep photos and information, plus ambulances and police vehicles at the bottom. -- Derek Redmond
Fire service Jeeps have been produced from 1945 to the present by many small apparatus manufacturers. Jeep Fire Engines sold through Willys dealers got their own series of serial numbers starting in 1955 (see Willys-Overland Production Figures 1945-61) and a small number were sold as "factory" units up until 1961. Larger manufacturers converting Jeeps from the 1940s to 60s included:
Royal Air Force Crash Jeeps -- 1944 fire tender conversions.
Bantam Factory Fire Jeeps -- 1941 BRC-40 fire apparatus.
WWII Jeeps as Fire Engines -- postwar surplus conversions.
The First Civilian Fire Jeep -- 1945 CJ-2 Agrijeep.
CJ-2A Fire Engine History -- photos from the 1940's.
1945 CJ-2A Jeep Fire Truck -- Berkey test Jeep auctioned in 2021.
Water Over the Barn -- CJ-2A Fire Engine pump test.
Early CJ-2A Fire Engine -- an unusual live burn demo in 1949.
White Pines Forest Fire Jeep -- 1946 CJ-2A still in service.
Boyer CJ-2A Fire Engines -- restored examples.
1947 Boyer CJ-2A -- changing with the times in New Jersey.
Boyer CJ-2A in Brazil -- 1947 export to the Brazilian Army.
Howe CJ-2A Fire Engines -- factory fire Jeeps in service and retired.
Next Day Fire Department -- 1947 Howe CJ-2A Fire Engine in Texas.
West Vancouver Unit 34 -- Sterling Type "F" CJ-2A.
Sterling Machine & Mfg. Fire Jeeps -- Canadian-built CJ-2As.
Jeep 33 of the Toronto Islands -- 2A replaced by a Willys pickup.
Restoring a CJ-2A Attack Engine -- fire Jeep with a surprising history.
Build a Fire Patrol Jeep -- cloning a CJ-2A chief's car.
CJ-2A Fire Department Conversions -- homemade apparatus.
Willys Fire Engines at SPAAMFAA 2004 -- CJ-3A and Commando
CJ-3A Fire Service Conversions -- General Electric in Virginia.
1952 Howe CJ-3A -- found in northern Canada.
Oak Spring No.1 sold at Sotheby's -- Boyer CJ-3A.
Boyer CJ-3A Fire Engines -- harder to find than CJ-2As.
Airfield Crash Rescue Jeeps -- from World War to Wrangler.
Kronenburg Fire Jeeps in the Netherlands -- unique 2A and 3A designs.
CJ-3B Fire Engine Brochure -- sketches and specs.
Boyer Fire Apparatus Production List -- Jeep fire engines 1946-1950.
Howe Fire Apparatus Jeep Production List -- partial list 1946-1972.
More Jeep Fire Equipment Literature -- brochures and catalogues.
1950s Jeep Fire Engine Specifications -- CJ-3B, CJ-5 and Commando.
Willys Fire Truck Sketches -- from the truck brochure.
CJ-3B Factory Fire Engines -- built by Howe.
CJ-3B Fire Engine Close Up -- that bump on the hood.
Home in Ocean Falls -- how Fred Scott bought a CJ-3B fire truck.
Howe CJ-3B Fire Engine -- when a high hood isn't high enough.
Ready to Roll -- CJ-3B Fire Jeep and trailers restoration.
CJ-3B Fire Engine at Nome Field, 1953 -- historic photos from Alaska.
Sentry Safety CJ-3B Fire Engine -- where was this built?
Conshohocken Truck "J" -- identifying an historic photo.
Warren Township Brushfire Jeeps -- two CJ-3Bs and a CJ-5.
Baltimore County's Fire Jeeps -- Part 1: CJ-3Bs and CJ-5s of the BCoFD.
Baltimore County's Fire Jeeps -- Part 2: the volunteer companies.
Fire Jeeps in Minnesota -- high hoods, a JK-8, and a mystery.
CJ-3B Fire Jeep Conversions -- interesting brushfire units.
New Falls, Ohio Brush 43 -- under-hood pump.
CJ-3B Airport Crash Truck -- in the 1956 movie Julie.
Calgary Airport Fire Jeep -- working CJ-3B retires to civilian life.
U.S. Navy Crash Jeep Prototype -- what happened to "Little Squirt"?
Ansul Chemical Crash Trucks -- airport Jeeps built in Wisconsin.
John Wayne's CJ-3B -- fighting oil well fires in the movie Hellfighters.
On the Fireline -- 1955 LIFE magazine photo.
CJ-3B Fire Engines Around the World -- from Willys and licencees.
1960 Mitsubishi CJ-3B Pumper -- "Jeeper the Fire Engine."
Dutch-Built CJ-3B Fire Engines -- unique pumpers.
Jeep Fire Engines in Spain -- high hoods and a Jeep Duplex.
VIASA Brushfire Jeep in the Alps -- Spanish CJ-6 converted in Italy.
Pompes Guinard "Forest Fire Trucks" -- Hotchkiss Jeep pumpers.
Hotchkiss Jeep "Light Tank Trucks" -- built in France by Maheu-Labrosse.
Fire Jeep Restoration -- 1954 Willys CJ-3B in Switzerland.
CJ-6 Fire Service Jeeps -- more room for equipment.
1960 Fire Island CJ-6 -- Howe Jeep surplus after 1,645 miles.
CJ-5 Fire Service Jeeps -- Howe, Crown and other conversions.
CJ-7 and CJ-8 Fire Engines -- deluxe aftermarket modifications.
Fire Jeeps Scramble in New Jersey -- action photos of Scramblers and more.
CJ-5 Virginia Brushfire Jeep -- ready for a trip by train.
Fire Service Wranglers -- YJ, TJ and JK conversions.
J8 Mini-Pumper Conversion -- Vehículo Intervencíon Rápida.
Mahindra Roxor Brush Trucks -- inexpensive brushfire conversions.
Military Surplus Fire Jeeps -- M38A1 and M170.
Forward Control Fire Trucks -- a variety of manufacturers.
More Forward Control Fire Trucks -- conversions by fire departments and unknown firms.
Hahn Motors FC-170 Fire Engine -- for J.T. Baker Chemical Co.
Howe FC Fire Trucks -- biggest manufacturer of pumpers.
Fully Restored Howe FC-170 DRW -- including details of the front pump system.
Howe Jeep FC Pumper -- photos of a 1962 FC-170.
Jeep FC-170 Fire Truck at General Atomics Corp. -- who built it?
Boyer FC Fire Trucks -- a few trucks from the other Indiana company.
FC Trucks by American LaFrance -- unique custom builds.
Wilkes-Barre Pumper 4 -- Valley Fire Truck Co. FC-170.
Forward Control, Pump and Roll -- Valley FC with auxiliary pump.
John Bean Co. Fire Jeeps -- including FC-150 high pressure units.
Chicago FD's Jeep FC Units -- turret wagons and other special duty rigs.
FC Fire Trucks at the 1964 World's Fair -- a different color scheme.
Fire Jeeps in New York City -- FC's and much more.
Jeep FC Fire Engines Around the World -- Australia, Switzerland and more.
Jeep-Zanzi -- Swiss-built cab-forward CJ-5.
Jeep FC Ladder Truck -- DRW unit in East Meadow NY.
Willys "Commando" Fire Trucks -- the "factory" fire truck.
General Fire Truck Co. -- Commandos built in Detroit.
Howe 6-226 Fire Trucks -- Commandos built in Indiana.
More Willys Fire Trucks -- including Darley and American.
Champion Willys -- by Valley Fire Truck Co.
Fire Jeeps on Fire Island -- unusual Howe-Willys trucks.
Jeep Fire Trucks in Yellowstone Park -- Howe Commandos and others.
1954 Willys Truck -- like-new fire service pickup.
Blitz Buggy Fire Fighter -- small apparatus builder in Old Forge NY.
Willys Fire Trucks in Australia -- unique tankers and pumpers.
Canadian Jeep Fire Engine -- built in Ontario by American Marsh.
Willys Fire Trucks Around the World -- Station Wagons popular in Europe.
The Fire Truck in the Tintin Book-- 1953 Willys Wagon in Switzerland.
Jeep Gladiator Fire Trucks -- rare J-series conversions.
1963 Howe Gladiator Fire Trucks -- we now know of two.
Howe Gladiator Carries Jack Stankiewicz One Last Time -- a firefighter's funeral.
J-20 Fire Trucks in New Zealand -- Mills-Tui conversions.
Jeep Cherokees -- now including a Wagoneer and a Liberty.
The Little Engine That Could -- the Formaz 1966 Gladiator.
Kaiser M715 Fire Trucks -- military surplus workhorses.
Five-Quarter Jeeps Packing Pumps -- two more fire service M715s.
Fire Jeeps in Vietnam -- Wagoneer, MUTT, 6x6.
Kaiser 6x6 Fire Trucks -- 2-1/2 ton military trucks.
Giant Fire Trucks in Texas -- more 6x6 photos.
Willys Military Ambulances -- World War II through Vietnam.
Willys Ambulances -- factory and custom-built versions.
Kaiser M725 Ambulance -- military and civilian service.
The Q Van -- the first Australian rescue truck.
Willys Ambulances in Australia -- unique conversions downunder.
Willys Light Duty Rescue Truck -- rare Civil Defense conversion.
Civil Defense Jeeps -- they're hard to find.
Scrambulance -- Horton CJ-8 "All Terrain Medic".
Jeep Ambulances -- EMS units include Wranglers, Cherokees and more.
Mountain Rescue CJ-3B in Italy -- Willys conversion by Sirecome.
Police Service Jeeps -- military and civilian, around the world.
Police Service Cherokees -- SJ, XJ, ZJ.
Police Jeeps of The Hague -- seven decade story.
Patrolling the Border by Jeep -- USBP's Jeep fleet, 1946 to 2016.
U.S. Army MP Jeep -- Massawa, Ethiopia , 1965.
Also on, see Fire Service Jeep Toys and Police Service Jeep Toys.
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